Starter Set: Freight train with class 98 steam loco of the DB, epoch III - V Three-part freight train with a class 89 steam locomotive of the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB), epoch III - V. 1 German Federal Railroad (DB) class 89 steam locomotive, 1 DB low side car with a tarpaulin, 1 boxcar. Metal locomotive. All driving axles powered. Low side car with a tarpaulin superstructure. ged. Freight wagons with advertising lettering. Small track circle, consisting of 2 straight tracks, each 110 mm long, 10 curved tracks of which 4 x 8520 and 6 x 8521. Rerailing aid and 230 V / 12 VA switched-mode power supply with suitable speed controller. Track plan brochure. Train length approx. 160 mm. Expansion with SET packs 8190 or 8191, 8192, 8193 and 8194 or according to your own designs.
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